The History of the Computer Center (UUCC) Parties and Fun Page

The Computer Center has always known how to have a good time. There was a long tradition of Computer Center Picnics, usually at Washington Park by the Mountain Dell Golf Course up Parley's Canyon. We also had many Christmas parties, recognition parties and who knows what else.
Over the years, we developed a little Co-Op for selling soda pop out of the UUCC business office. There was a refrigerator available (replaced at least once) from the 70's up to the day we pulled the plug in January of 1998 and moved it to the Marriott Library. This Co-Op was the means for financing most of our parties. This web page will give some history of our festive events, hopefully with pictures as I can come by them.
First, here is a memo that came out around the end of 1979 concerning the money accumulated in the "pop fund", sent out by Jane Simpson of the UUCC business office. Notice that 5 of these people listed still work for the University of Utah at ACLIS:

                     M E M O R A N D U M

TO:    (In order of estimated comsumption over time) LeRoy, Mark
       Barry, Karen, Ed, Hal, John, Chuck, Lynn, Richard, Randy

FROM:  Jane


    Due to the heads-up, competent job performed by the Co-Op
management, we find ourselves with a small surplus in our savings
account--almost $400. There are several things we could do with this sum:

    -Let it earn interest for the next umteen years and then
     wildly celebrate the coming of the 21st millenium;

    - Celebrate wildly now;

    - Donate to a charity;

    - Buy silver;

    - Some of the above or none of the above.

    It is not necessary to do anything, of course. However, some
of you have been customers for years and might like to somehow
share in the proceeds. If you have any ideas, please write them
down and give to me.
As for celebrating wildly at the 21st Century (not millenium), we would have had a whopping $1100 if the money had been left to earn interest at 5%. I hope they enjoyed the money then.

Last updated: 3/18/98